Mount Google Drive on Headless Linux (Ubuntu)#
is a FUSE filesystem for Google Drive, written in OCaml.
GitHub: astrada / google-drive-ocamlfuse
Install google-drive-ocamlfuse#
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse
Headless Authorization - Simple trick#
echo $'#!/bin/sh\necho $* > /dev/stderr' > xdg-open
chmod 755 xdg-open
env PATH=`pwd`:$PATH google-drive-ocamlfuse
Mounting Google Drive#
Let's say we want to mount Google Drive to ~/G_DRIVE
for example
Create a new directory serve as the mounting point
cd ~
mkdir G_DRIVE
Mount to the directory
google-drive-ocamlfuse G_DRIVE
fusermount -u G_DRIVE
umount G_DRIVE