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About GPG Keys#


  • PGP (Pretty Good Privacy): The original encryption tool, proprietary or commercial in modern forms.
  • OpenPGP: The open standard that defines the file formats and operations for encryption, decryption, signing, etc.
  • GPG (GNU Privacy Guard): A free and open-source implementation of the OpenPGP standard, fully compatible with other PGP products.

In short, GPG is the open-source, standards-based successor to the original PGP software. They both use the same underlying concepts (public-key cryptography, digital signatures, key management) and are typically cross-compatible when both follow the OpenPGP standard.


Install GnuPG#

  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt install gnupg -y
  • MacOS: brew install gnupg
  • Windows: Download

Generate a new GPG key#

We first set GPG_TTY to the current TTY to ensure prompt for passphrase does not fail.

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Here we specify the key type and subkey type for the key generation.

  • Ed25519 for the primary key (for signing)
  • Curve25519 for the subkey (for encryption).

  • Create a configuration file for key generation

    cat > key.config << EOF
    Key-Type: EDDSA
    Key-Curve: Ed25519
    Key-Usage: sign
    Subkey-Type: ECDH
    Subkey-Curve: Curve25519
    Subkey-Usage: encrypt
    Name-Real: Your Name
    Expire-Date: 0

    • Additional line %no-protection can be added above %commit to skip the passphrase protection.
  • Generate the key
    gpg --batch --gen-key key.config
  • Check the key
    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long


Export Your Public Key#

gpg --armor --export KEY_ID_HERE > my_public_key.asc

Import Other's Public Key#

gpg --import KEY_FILE_HERE

Complete Backup and Transfer Your GPG Keys#


This section is for backup and transfer all of your GPG keys, which includes all your own key pairs (both private and public) and imported (public) keys if any.

Export on Original Computer#

  1. Export your private key (includes your subkeys and public keys)

    gpg --armor --export-secret-keys > private.gpg

  2. Export entire public keyring (includes all imported keys)

    gpg --armor --export > all_public_keys.gpg

  3. Export trust database

    gpg --export-ownertrust > trust.txt

  4. Create a secure archive

    tar -czf gpg-complete-backup.tar.gz private.gpg all_public_keys.gpg trust.txt
    export GPG_TTY=$(tty) # if headless, this is required
    gpg -c gpg-complete-backup.tar.gz  # Encrypt the archive with a passphrase

  5. Securely delete the unencrypted files

    shred -u private.gpg all_public_keys.gpg trust.txt gpg-complete-backup.tar.gz

    shred can be installed on MacOS via brew install coreutils

Import on New Computer#

  1. Decrypt the backup

    export GPG_TTY=$(tty) # if headless, this is required
    gpg -d gpg-complete-backup.tar.gz.gpg > gpg-complete-backup-decrypted.tar.gz
    tar xzf gpg-complete-backup-decrypted.tar.gz

  2. Import your private key (this automatically imports your public key too)

    gpg --import private.gpg

  3. Import all public keys

    gpg --import all_public_keys.gpg

  4. Import trust database

    gpg --import-ownertrust trust.txt

  5. Verify the setup

    gpg --list-secret-keys
    gpg --list-keys 

  6. Clean up

    shred -u private.gpg all_public_keys.gpg trust.txt gpg-complete-backup-decrypted.tar.gz


Delete a GPG key#

Check existing keys#

# check all public keys
gpg --list-keys

# check my secret keys
gpg --list-secret-keys

Delete a key#

# delete a public key
gpg --delete-key KEY_ID_HERE

# delete a secret key
gpg --delete-secret-key KEY_ID_HERE

Manage Multiple GPG Keys#


File Encryption and Signing#

Encrypt and sign a file for someone#

Before you encrypt a file, you need to know the recipient's public key and import it.

gpg --recipient KEY_ID_HERE --encrypt --sign --armor FILE_NAME_HERE
  • --recipient KEY_ID_HERE (or -r KEY_ID_HERE) specifies the public key to which you want to encrypt.
  • --sign uses your private key to sign the file, allowing the recipient to verify that it was indeed you who sent it.
  • --armor wraps the output in ASCII armor (text form), which is handy for sending via email or other text-based channels.

Encrypt a file for multiple recipients#

gpg --recipient KEY_ID_A --recipient KEY_ID_B --encrypt --sign --armor FILE_NAME_HERE
  • You can list as many --recipient options as you want.
  • Each recipient will be able to decrypt the file using their private key.

Decrypt a file for yourself#

gpg --decrypt FILE_NAME_HERE > decrypted.txt